MIDIoz Software Prozac QuakeWorld

Special functions (some shared with MegaTF and hipnotic mission pack expansion) present on the Prozac mod regarding maps

Are you a map maker/modder and want to know the secrets of the Prozac CustomTF mod? keep reading then... (assumes basic knownledge about Quake mapping/entity concepts)

Features and entities implementation for maps running on the current prozac mod:

Follow the links below this to jump to a particular section of this documentation...
  1. Mod global map flags and features on the map's worldspawn entity
  2. Entity types shared with the Mega-TF mod (some coming from the hipnotic mission pack days) present on the Prozac mod too
  3. Extensions to standard Quake/TeamFortress entities
  4. Map entities exclusively specific to the Prozac CustomTF mod
  5. The ProzacQW client specific features/integration
  6. Final practical examples
This document explains the use and behaviour of relevant stuff to include on maps specific to the Prozac CustomTF mod, for general TeamFortress entity help, please, read this file instead!

If you're too brave and want to directly learn by try and fail or by experimenting with your map making software check the FGD's (Forge Game Data files) you can use in software like J.A.C.K. in our GitLab project about it! Also if you're done on reading this and just want to use the entities with a FGD-compatible map-making software check those files, they are very useful!

1 - Map's entity "worldspawn" flags and settings:

In the (server-side) worldspawn entity of a map running on prozac there are several bitflags and settings that may be set, summarizing them, I'm just gonna paste here the source code as you can see it in the mod:
// OfN - Possible map bit flags on world.#mapflags field ("has_holo") on worldspawn - 2020 some of them deprecated
#define MAPFLAG_WATERVISED  1 // works - Makes the server to enable the watervis cvar when loading map
#define MAPFLAG_NOTEAMSCORE 2 // works - Makes the mod to ignore team score increase in normal player frags for map
#define MAPFLAG_GUARDOFF    4 // works - Disables spawn guard for the map
#define MAPFLAG_OBSERVER    8 // works - Allows observers to move, otherwise they get a fixed (un-moveable) position
#define MAPFLAG_STORM       16 // still works - Enables the lightning storm for the map
#define MAPFLAG_EARTHQUAKE  32 // still works - Enables earthquakes for the map
#define MAPFLAG_DAYTIME     64 // still works - Enables daytime emulation lighting for the map
#define MAPFLAG_RUNES       128 // still works - Enables runes by default on the map
#define MAPFLAG_NOCUSTOM    256 // still works - Disables custom player classes for the map
#define MAPFLAG_NOSTOCK     512 // still works - Disabled "stock" player classes for the map
#define MAPFLAG_NOEXTRAS    1024 // after search of the code, it may be buggy - DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY (22-04-2023)
These bitflags above, to take effect, must be be set on a field called "has_holo" in your worldspawn entity. If, for example, you're building/editting a map which is watervised and want also the lightning storm to be enabled on it, you should add the 2 values together, the watervised flag (1) and the storm flag (16). So, the value would be 1+16 = 17. The first bitflag, the watervised one, tells the mod to enable watervis for your map. Take into consideration, that, if level is not watervised and you set this, the water and other liquid surfaces will look awful on clients not running with the client cvar "r_novis" enabled. DO NOT USE old flags to enable features in old versions of the mod. They won't do anything (they do something else instead now). If you want to enable fog, or rain, or snow on ProzacQW clients at the end of this page there is a list explained of integration settings that would do that. Note that these bitflags control aspects of the mod and doesn't require ProzacQW at all.

The key/value pair named "money" in worldspawn too, can be used to set a different-than-default amount of startup money to customize your class in the prozac mod.

You'll notice, that in some maps, a particular team is friendly and, their members, considered teammates of another specific team, or several. That might be set with the "noise1", "noise2", "noise3" and "noise4" key/value pairs on the worldspawn entity too. These are bitflag "teammasks", if, for example team 1 (blue) and team 3 (yellow) should be considered teammates just set both noise1 and noise3 to "5". Why? because every team is handled as a bitflag, and treated as a mask to determine affinity to other teams, so, team 1 (bit 1) + team 3 (bit 4) = 5 value. See more examples later.

Set in the worldspawn entity too, it is possible to disable or give to everyone one weapon or item while running a map in prozac, it will sound complex to do at a first glance, but when understood gives you a lot of control about peculiarities and gameplay of a specific map. First you must know there are 15 class-customizing pages, and this system is based on that to disable/give for free specific items/weapons on a map, it will work for custom classes and stock classes indiferently, for example if you disable the sniper rifle, people won't be able to buy it for their custom class neither the stock sniper will get it. Again it relies on the usage of bitflags. There are 10 fields (5 for disables and 5 for givings) on worldspawn that controls what items are special. These are: dstuff1, dstuff2, dstuff3, dstuff4, and dstuff5 as bit fields for disabling. And gstuff1, gstuff2, gstuff3, gstuff4 and gstuff5 to give them away. Each one of these fields contain a bitfield for 3 pages of the customize menu, which bits correspond to every item to be disabled/given. So dstuff1 corresponds to the first 3 pages, dstuff2 to the next 3 (4 to 6 pages) etc... and the same for gstuffX ones, but for giving instead of disabling/stripping. Every page contains 7 items, and a QuakeC float holds space for 24 integer bits, so it was "rounded" to 21 for each field, making no use of the last 3 bits for every dstuffX/gstuffX.

In the following 2 screenshots you can see the assault cannon and rocket launcher disabled (first image) and then the sniper rifle made free:

Assault cannon and rocket launcher disabled Sniper rifle made free

2 - Map's entity introduced/inspired/shared with the MegaTF mod:

Rotate entities (from Hipnotic mission pack, first seen in TF in the MegaTF mod, and from 2001 in Prozac CustomTF)

These entities, including "func_rotate_entity", "func_rotate_door" and "func_rotate_train", were introduced by MegaTF to the Quake TeamFortress world. They came and were adopted from the hipnotic Quake1 mission pack (the first official expansion for the game). These entities work as they used to in that mission pack and in megatf, but there is one difference with megatf implementation: for func_rotate_entity the first bit (1) on the entity spawnflags field decides if the object rotation can be toggled, and the second bit (2) if it starts moving/rotating from the start. This is the intended behaviour of the hipnotic code, but in megatf these spawnflags are both (1) which is wrong, got badly implemented on it. This causes incompatibility on some maps, making the func_rotate_entity work on one mod and not the other.

You can see a toggle-able func_rotate_door working on the following video, recorded in the "bluepain.bsp" map:

The actual inner mechanics and details of setting up a rotate entity are very complex and beyond the scope of this documentation, if you want to know how to use them, take a look at frontlin.bsp or bluepain.bsp maps entity data. You can also dowload the "bluepain.map" file and JACK format map file from our Prozac-files GitLab project. You can check func_rotate_door and func_rotate_entity setups when loading that map file into map-making software like J.A.C.K. or TrenchBroom.

Additional ambience sounds entities (first seen in TF in the MegaTF mod, and from 2001 in Prozac CustomTF)

The following entity names/kinds can be used to set a predefined ambience sound samples (they use looped WAV files) on your maps:

"ambient_unholy" (musical piece used in unholyk.bsp)

...and a special one that allows to set a customized (not predefined) sound sample to play as ambient sound:


In this last kind of ambient entity use the "noise" entity string field to define the WAV sample to play (must be a looped one, if you don't know how to loop WAV files ask in our discord). In all ambience sounds you may specify the intensity of the sound with the float entity field called "volume". Set it from 0 (the minimum) to 1 (the maximum sound loudness). Default volume is 1 (full intensity). Similarly, you can set the attenuation setting of the ambient_sound entity sound within the "option" float entity field. It must be an integer ranging from 0 (no attenuation, plays uniformly on the whole map) to 3 (maximum attenuation, the sound only is perceptible when the player is at very close range). This attenuation setting default is 0 (no attenuation in quake). Use 1 for normal sound attenuation.

MegaTF style map turrets: "monster_turret"

These turrets must be placed just below a ceiling part of the map, on spawn, they will move until they touch a ceiling surface on map start, and stay there. Map examples can be found at "frontlin.bsp", "megatf_asteroid.bsp", and "awaken2_ctf3.bsp" (shown below):

Map turret on awaken2_ctf3.bsp

This kind of entity, introduced with MegaTF, spawns a map owned turret sentry which will attack enemies (determined by their "team_no" field, which determines the turret team ownership). You can set the turrets starting HP with the "health" field. Also if you set a "lives" greater than 1, the map turret will respawn that specific number of times, after getting destroyed. The spawnflags of this entity are important. If you set its 2nd bit (2) the turret will be retractable. You can determine which kind of attack they do using the 8 bit (lasers), 16 bit (rockets) or 32 (beams). If you don't set any of those, the turret will be a regular bullets firing one (like a sentry). The "respawn_time" entity field will determine the delay before respawning, after getting destroyed, if you set its lives to anything greater than 1.

Miscellaneous entities shared with MegaTF


This entity can be attached to a map brush or simply set its boundaries with "absmin" and "absmax" entity fields. Use "health" to determine the resistence (damage intake before breaking into pieces) of the glass, default is 1 HP.


This entity makes a water brush to move up and down cyclically. See "frontlin.bsp" for an example.


This entity makes a sound sample to play at random time intervals. Use the "noise" string entity field to define the sound sample. The "volume" float determines the intensity (0 to 1) at which the sound will be played. The sample will be played at a random interval determined in seconds by the "option" (minimum) amd "option2" (maximum). See "frontlin.bsp" for an example.


This point entity plays a rock-fall sound audio sample when touched. See "frontlin.bsp" for examples.


This entity works in a similar way to "ambient_sound" but you cannot set the sample, it plays randomly several warfare themed sound samples instead. See "frontlin.bsp" for examples.


Plays bombing-like sound effects, and spawns randomly explosions over a random extense area, around the entity. See "frontlin.bsp" for examples.


Spawns a dog for the team specified on this entity's "team_no" field. You can set the amount of times they respawn with the "lives" entity field, and how much HP they have with the "health" field. You may also override the default minimum and maximum delays for respawn time with the "ammo_shells" (minimum) and "ammo_nails" (maximum). The resulting respawn time will be a random value between those 2 values. See "frontlin.bsp" for examples.


Spawns a crucified zombie monster. The entity must contain the bit 1 in the "spawnflags", or it will get removed. That bitflag determines the zombie is of crucified kind. They take damage, until gibbed, and their tollerance to damage can be set with the "health" entity field.

3 - Regular Quake/TeamFortress entity extensions present in the Prozac CustomTF mod:

Standard Quake entity extensions in Prozac

"func_door" extensions

In addition to the standard quake door sounds in Prozac you can set custom sample sounds or different sets of predefined samples (in this case same as in MegaTF) for the door entity different movement stages sounds. To use the predefined extended sounds, just set the "armorclass" entity field to 1, 2 or 3. If you want to use custom samples for the door set it to 100, and use "noise1" and "noise2" to specify the WAV sound files. Also in Prozac you can set a target name to be triggered when the door block-kills someone, in the "event" string field.

"func_button" extensions

In addition to the standard quake button sounds in Prozac you can set custom sample sounds. If you want to use a custom sample for the button set the "sounds" entity field to 5, and use "noise" to specify the custom WAV sound file. Also in Prozac if you set the 1 bit in "spawnflags" the button will be both triggered by push or damage.

"trigger_hurt" extensions

There are 3 new bitflags to be able to set in the "spawnflags" entity field of the hurting triggers in Prozac. If you set the 2097152 bit the trigger will start in a "disabled" state, only will be enabled by using an entity of the kind "func_switch_trigger" (see Prozac entities section) with a target set to this hurting trigger. If you set the 4194304 bit, the hurt_trigger won't auto reset after being triggered, and if you use the 8388608 bitflag the damage won't gib the target ever (whatever was the damage done).

Standard TeamFortress entity extensions in Prozac

"info_tfgoal" extensions

You can make an info_tfgoal sound to play with no attenuation (played at full loudness to everyone anywhere on the map) by setting its "option" entity field to 1.

"item_tfgoal" extensions

You can make an item_tfgoal to persist on removal by using the bit flag 16384 in the "goal_activation" (or g_a) field. It impides the item entity to be removed, after removed from a goal can't be dropped until explicitly returned. Check the bluepain map for an example of the usage of this feature.

4 - Prozac CustomTF "exclusive" specific map entities:

Special trigger entities in Prozac


Strips or gives for free a specific item to players, the item/s to be removed or given are set with "dstuff1", "dstuff2", "dstuff3", "dstuff4", "dstuff5" and "gstuff1", "gstuff2", "gstuff3", "gstuff4", "gstuff5" entity fields. It works in a similar way these fields work globally for the map on the worldspawn entity. Basically, if you haven't read that, the grasp here is that every dstuffX/gstuffX field corresponds to 3 pages in the CustomTF class building menu. So dstuff1 is a bitmask for stripping items corresponding to the first 3 pages of the customizing menu, gstuff5 corresponds to the last 3 pages, and gives for free any bit/item/s specified in that. And every other fields work in between those. There are certain pages/items that don't have an effect by this trigger kind, due to the complexity it would involve, for example you can't strip/give any kind of legs/speed or jobs, or grenade kinds. Do not restore the altered items by doing an opposite effect of this same entity kind, that would cause conflicts and all kind of issues, for that, use the following entity type instead.


Restores the original equipment, removed or given by a previous "trigger_alter_equip".

Important note: Make sure the trigger_alter_equip and trigger_restore_equip are reasonably far away from each other on your maps, or they will cause weird loops, by constantly being applied repeatedly.


Modifies the player's gravity, the target gravity should be set in the "gravity" float entity field. 1 means normal, and 0 no gravity. The resulting weight will feel relative to the server normal set gravity setting (sv_gravity server cvar).


Makes the player to connect to another server. The IP and port of the server must be specified in the "event" entity field.


Emits/plays a wav, and does it to the specified criteria clients. Use an "undercover_team" entity field of 0 if no team restriction for the broadcast (every client will hear it), otherwise only the matching team will get the sound played. Specify the sample in the "noise" string entity field. Use the "option" entity field to determine the attenuation of the sound, 0 for no attenuation, 1 for normal attenuation, and 2 and 3 for other more restricted attenuations. The "spawnflags" bitflags for this entity are relevant too, include the bit 4194304 for playing the sound for spectators too, and the 8388608 bit to play from to the activator client. You may set a minimum delay between the triggerings by adjusting the "attack_finished" entity float field, the default is 3 (3 seconds). If you set this to 0 it will be the same as leaving it empty or setting it to 3.

All these trigger entities share the following notification features and spawnflags:

If you set the "spawnflags" bit 1 for any of the triggers above, the activator/toucher of the entity will get his screen flashed (in case it is a player). If you set the 2 bit the trigger won't be touch-able, and will only be usable by targetting it from another entity. If you set the 4 bitflag the trigger will only accept players as activators/touchers. Use the "noise" string entity field to specify a sound when the trigger does its work, use "undercover_name" for a text to be printed to activator on activation, and "message" for a text to be centerprinted. Use the "volume" (0 to 1 value) entity field to set the loudness of the sound to be played.

These 5 entities described above follow the guidelines and standards for triggers set in Quake1 TeamFortress. They check for activation criteria like standard triggers, for example a "trigger_alter_equip" with a "team_no" of 1 will only affect the blue team players. Also these entities fire their targets on successful effect, for example when a "trigger_alter_equip" successfully gives/strips an item/s.

Special "model" entities in Prozac


Spawns a solid model entity, the size of the bounding box should be set using the relative "mins" and "maxs" vectors. Use the "mdl" string entity field to define the model file to use. In the "spawnflags", the bitflag 2 determines if the entity should be id-able (with the ID alias in the mod). If you set the 4 bitflag, the entity will start in invisible state, waiting for it to be targetted to make it appear. The text to be centerprinted if the id-able bitflag is set should be specified in the "netname" string field of the entity. Additionally if the bitflag 8 is set in spawnflags, the text defined in the "message" entity field will be printed to the client using the "id" alias/command with a "Map help>" prefix, you aren't expected to include a "\n" at the end of the string, the mod does it for you. If this bitflag (8) isn't included the text in "message" will be printed without any prefix. If the entity must be only id-able by a specific team, the entity should have a "team_no" assigned to it.


Spawns a non-solid model entity. Use the "mdl" string entity field to define the model file to use. Similarly to the previous entity, in the "spawnflags", the bitflag 2 determines if the entity should be id-able (with the ID alias in the mod). If you set the 4 bitflag, the entity will start in invisible state, waiting for it to be targetted to make it appear. The text to be centerprinted if the id-able bitflag is set should be specified in the "netname" string field of the entity. Additionally if the bitflag 8 is set in spawnflags, the text defined in the "message" entity field will be printed to the client using the "id" alias/command with a "Map help>" prefix, you aren't expected to include a \n at the end of the string, the mod does it for you. If this bitflag (8) isn't included the text in "message" will be printed without any prefix. If the entity must be only id-able by a specific team, the entity should have a "team_no" assigned to it. In the case of this entity kind of particular (model_nonsolid), the 1 bitflag determines that it shouldn't be made static by the mod. For this entity to be id-able properly, it should have a "mins" and "maxs" set appropriately, otherwise, it isn't needed to do so. See the bluepain map for examples on use of this entity kind.

These 2 model entities above can be targetted to make them visible or disappear. They can be targetted multiple times toggling their visibility on/off.

Miscellaneous entities included in the Prozac CustomTF mod


This entity spawns a map-owned force field generator. There must be placed in pairs and aligned whether X or Y, and they must have a "team_no" assigned. They will turn on in-game when triggered as a target, both field gens should be enabled as targets at once, for the force field to be generated. This force fields will act the same as regular-engineer ones, except that they cannot be destroyed or hacked. There is a default death message, but it can be overridden by setting the "deathtype" string field.


This entity will "suck towards" or "push away from" itself the players in the water by the specified amount and at a constant rate. See the bluepain map for an example.


This utility entity enables/disables the target trigger/s when targetted (itself). When disabled, the target trigger will become un-touchable. See the "bluepain" map for an example.

5 - ProzacQW (Prozac's QuakeWorld client) "Integration" with server:

(Note: If you don't care about ProzacQW and just want to know about map entities you may skip this section)

The way the server decides fog, weather, sky and shader settings for ProzacQW is called client-server integration. The ProzacQW client can be set to ignore some, all or none of every specific aspect of those, in case the user doesn't want to use such features. The default is all integration enabled.

The entity with the integration information and settings for these features should be placed on maps as a "world_integration". This entity is removed after map starts automatically, just after the mod and server were allowed to read its fields correctly. The main entity field that is relevant for ProzacQW clients is "event", and contains a series of "tokens" or items. The order in which these tokens are defined/specified is not important. Tokens starting with "f" are related to fog settings, the ones starting with "w" are weather settings, the ones starting with "s" are sky-related settings and the ones starting with "h" are water-shader settings. These items must be written in the entity field sepparated by a space in a "xy:z xy:z xy:z" format (showing x as the kind of token, y as the parameter identifier, and z as the desired value. x and y must be 1 character long, z could be any length to fit the value).

Fog integration

The following tokens control every aspect of the fog for the map in the ProzacQW client: (any use of these tokens auto-enables fog)

fm:x this integer corresponds to the gl_fog_mode client cvar, possible values are 0, 1 or 2
fd:x this float (0 to 1) corresponds to the gl_fog_density and only applies when fog mode is 1 or 2
fs:x this float (128 to 8192) corresponds to the gl_fog_skydist
fr:x this float (0 to 1) corresponds to the gl_fog_red client cvar
fg:x this float (0 to 1) corresponds to the gl_fog_green client cvar
fb:x this float (0 to 1) corresponds to the gl_fog_blue client cvar
fn:x this float corresponds to the gl_fog_near and only applies when fog mode is 0
ff:x this float corresponds to the gl_fog_far and only applies when fog mode is 0

Weather integration

The following tokens control every aspect of the weather feature for the map in the ProzacQW client:

wm:x this integer enables weather, use 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 0 to turn off weather
wr:x this byte (0 to 255) corresponds to the red intensity of rain particle color, corresponds to weather_rain_red
wg:x this byte (0 to 255) corresponds to the green intensity of rain particle color, corresponds to weather_rain_green
wb:x this byte (0 to 255) corresponds to the blue intensity of rain particle color, corresponds to weather_rain_blue

Sky integration

The following tokens control every aspect of the sky for the map in the ProzacQW client:

sn:x This string will make the client to load that specific skybox name

Water-shader integration

The following tokens control every aspect of the water-shader for the map in the ProzacQW client:

hm:x 0 to 1 default is 0, enables shader. Corresponds to the r_watershader cvar
hf:x 0 to 1 default is 0.25 Refraction/reflection balance. Corresponds to the shader_ref_balance cvar
hw:x 0 to 1 default is 0.2 Original water texture alpha. Corresponds to the shader_tex_balance cvar
hv:x default is 0.5 Wave size. Corresponds to the shader_wavesize cvar
hs:x default is 0.02 Wave strength. Corresponds to the shader_wavestrength cvar
hr:x default is 18 Wave rate. Corresponds to the shader_waverate cvar
hc:x default is 55D Water solid color. Corresponds to the shader_color cvar
hb:x default is 0, 1 is full solid color. Corresponds to the shader_col_balance cvar
hn:x default is 0.32, Sets the fresnel intensity. Corresponds to the shader_fresnel cvar
hp:x default is ABF, Ripples color. Corresponds to the shader_rip_color cvar
ha:x default is 0.5, ripples alpha balance. Corresponds to the shader_rip_balance cvar
hx:x default is 4095, Light source x coord. Corresponds to the shader_light_x cvar
hy:x default is 4095, Light source y coord. Corresponds to the shader_light_y cvar
hz:x default is 4095, Light source z coord. Corresponds to the shader_light_z cvar
hh:x default is 20, Shine damp value. Corresponds to the shader_rip_shine cvar
hi:x default is 0.6, Ripples reflectivity. Corresponds to the shader_rip_reflect
hd:x default is 3, Displacement of the waves/ripples. Corresponds to the shader_displacement cvar
ht:x default is 15, Ripples distortion. Corresponds to the shader_rip_distortion cvar
he:x default is 0, 1 enables source of light. Corresponds to the shader_rip_source cvar

Miscellaneous integration (new in ProzacQW 0.81)

The following tokens control several aspects that doesn't fall into any previous category, for the map in the ProzacQW client:

ml:x 0 to 5 default is 0, enables outlines shader if > 0. Corresponds to the r_outlines cvar and the corresponding r_outlines_width is set on this token value
mf:x 0 to undefined, default is 1, to be multiplied to the outlines neighbouring pixels check, acting as a factor for actual width
mw:x 0 or 1, if 0, disables water effect caustics for the map
md:x 0 or 1, if 0, disables close detail textures for the map
mb:x 0 or 1, if 0, disables bloom effects for the map
mi:x 0 or greater, sets the bloom intensity for the map, corresponds to the r_bloom_intensity cvar
mc:x String in 3 hexadecimal characters, defines the RGB of the outlines, default is "000" (black)

6 - Final practical examples:

You can learn a lot by examining entities data from existing maps, like "frontlin.bsp" or "bluepain.bsp"

Usage of the "worldspawn" entity on current Prozac:

Let's see the "worldspawn" entity of the bluepain.bsp file:

"_bounce" "1"
"_bouncestyled" "1"
"_generator" "J.A.C.K. 1.1.1064 (vpQuake)"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"has_holo" "5"
"light" "46"
"mapversion" "220"
"message" "Blue Pain\n\nBuilt on 24/12/2021 for PROZAC CustomTF\n"
"sounds" "1"
"wad" "C:\Old\JACK files\Q.wad;C:\Old\JACK files\textures\prozac.wad"
"worldtype" "1"

The relevant field here regarding this documentation is "has_holo" which is set to "5". That means this map is watervised (1 bit) and it disables spawn guard (4 bit). So 1 + 4 = 5

Let's see the "worldspawn" entity of the frontlin.bsp file:

"message" " You are on the FrontLine \n\nUpdated 26/03/2022 for Prozac CuTF\n"
"wad" "c:\program files\worldcraft\tex2.wad;c:\program files\worldcraft\redwall.wad"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"worldtype" "0"
"gstuff3" "4"

The relevant field here regarding this documentation is "gstuff3" which is set to "4". That means this map gives everyone a free detpack whether you pick a stock class or a customized player class. "gstuff3" handles the "free" stuff for pages 7 to 9. And 4 means the 3rd item in that group of pages, which is the detpack.

Usage of the "world_integration" entity examples:

Let's see the "world_integration" entity for the 2mach1.bsp file:

"classname" "world_integration"
"event" "fr:0.75 fg:0.65 fb:0.9 fn:512 ff:6200 wm:1 wr:32 wg:32 wb:38 sn:grave hm:1 hn:0 ha:0"

There is fog in this map, the first 3 tokens determine a blue-ish gray for the fog, the 4th and 5th are the distances (near and far) for the fog settings. The following token enables rain, the next 3 determine the color of the rain particles. Then "sn:grave" specifies the skybox name. The next and last 3 enable water shader, set the fresnel effect at 0 (disables it), and the last token disables ripples.

Useful people you may meet in our discord or in-game:

Aberrant (discord nick)/Agent (in-game nick)

Probably one of the persons who knows best about map entities in Quake or mapping in general with TF mods, he's also in charge of the MegaTF Mod QuakeC ran in tastyspleen (same box as Prozac's official USA server). When a map is failing to compile or you have a doubt about Quake/TF entities, he's the right man to ask!


Main administrator for the tastyspleen MegaTF and USA Prozac servers. He also knows a lot about mapping, being a person who has converted and modded a lot of maps from other games for Quake1 TF.


Owner and developer for the CustomTF 4TP (for the people) server, and code guru. Among other things he has successfully ported all the "Classic" Prozac mod QuakeC into C++ for his server.


He's the person trusted (with server RCON/admin mod access) to moderate the Prozac server. He's also in charge of picking interesting maps for every saturday, and for recording and handling MVD (Multi-View Demo) demos on tastyspleen Prozac.

Ivko/Ivko [cp]

Linux guru, although he's not shown interest in Quake programming, pro-grade coder.